I love getting email from you guys and I try my best to respond to every message I receive. At my friends' wedding this weekend, I was talking about some of the best, funniest, and most random messages I have received and realized you guys might like to hear some of them too. Don't worry I won't embarrass anybody or refer to anybody who ever emails me by name!
- What is a "devi"? Are all Indian women "devis?"
- I notice you added a picture of yourself! Do you always wear party hats or were you celebrating something?
- (In response to my profile of Lisa Raja): Who is your hot friend and are there more like her?
- What happened to Brown Girl Guide?
- Why don't you mention your kids by name or show us photos?
- Do you really think the world needs another mommy blog?
- I loved it when you had shopping posts--write more of those!
- I hate the shopping posts, you should get rid of them.
- Are you really a lawyer?