I love getting email from you guys and I try my best to respond to every message I receive. At my friends' wedding this weekend, I was talking about some of the best, funniest, and most random messages I have received and realized you guys might like to hear some of them too. Don't worry I won't embarrass anybody or refer to anybody who ever emails me by name!
- What is a "devi"? Are all Indian women "devis?"
- I notice you added a picture of yourself! Do you always wear party hats or were you celebrating something?
- (In response to my profile of Lisa Raja): Who is your hot friend and are there more like her?
- What happened to Brown Girl Guide?
- Why don't you mention your kids by name or show us photos?
- Do you really think the world needs another mommy blog?
- I loved it when you had shopping posts--write more of those!
- I hate the shopping posts, you should get rid of them.
- Are you really a lawyer?
It's a cool and crazy thing to open up your life, to some extent, to an audience via blog. Over the past months I have tried to write posts now and again, like this one, or this one, that attempt to add a little flavor or context to who this random "devi with baby" is. Now I just opened my inbox to you for the same goal...I hope you'll keep writing, all!

This was great, it was nice to link to some of the earlier posts, I had never read them before!
One more question - What happened to Ask Auntie? Its time to have her back.
I was going to ask the same thing about Auntie!
Wondering if there will be a female counterpart to "Male Mind Week"??
I miss the beauty posts!! Any recs for new fall makeup for Indians? Have you tried those "pen" nailpolish devices?
More "Monday Musings"!
Have wondered since I read the description: Why does your husband find you to be "white with a tan"??
How how how are you blogging with three kids, one infant????? Are you at a law firm too?
This is so great I always wonder if we are "allowed" to ask personal questions to people who write blogs...Some of mine:
1) What are the sexes of your kids?
2) How did you come up for the idea of this blog?
3) Do you ever need guest writers?
4) What ever happened to Monica?
5) Do you have sites you love and read everyday?
6) What is your husband like? How did you meet?
Maybe you could profile some of your readers! Would be cool to know about the people reading!!
Are you looking for suggestions for the "In Focus" interviews?
Where did "Furious Nari"/"Really Furious Nari"--who wrote so many of the longer comments during "Male Mind Week"--go?!? I loved her, she made me laugh out loud.
Would you ever consider doing "meet ups"? Like the Sepia people do?
I'm always amazed that people take the time to comment in the first place (as I am commenting I know I know) but then just say things like "I don't like shopping posts." Then don't read them!
i love the shopping/beauty posts and have a question about one of them. a while back you mentioned that you were going to test out the no!no! hair remover. any luck? hirsute devis need to know!
thanks so much , i love this blog!
Hey all--thanks for all the comments! Can't answer everything just yet but to get started:
-Indian Auntie is coming back very soon and has all sorts of, um, off-color advice to share...!
-The beauty posts will be back too--on Brown Girl Guide.
-Always looking for suggestions--for the "In Focus" interviews and in general. Please email me! Also open to guest-bloggers so definitely send me what you want to write about.
-Too many sites I love and read regularly, off the top of my head: Popsugar, Huffington Post, Apartment Therapy, NY Times, the Masala Chai blog...
-No!No!: I started getting results in the sense that hair was growing back thinner but, alas, I got lazy with using the device and all my hard work was for naught. THAT being said--I have seen evidence of it working on us Indian girls. Don't expect miracles, but I have one friend who (and this is a little odd but still...) only has to regularly shave one patch of her left leg after 3 months of continuous use of No!No!
Thanks again for reading!
this was my favorite post you have ever done! so funny!
please do more like this one!