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Deepa is a wife, mother, writer and she sometimes masquerades as a lawyer as well. She revels in friendship, humor, champagne, and laughing at herself--often. She never ever reads US Magazine, thinks Rushdie is a genius, wishes she could write one sentence as funny as "Arrested Development," and lives in the Bay Area with her motley crew. She can be reached at deviswithbabies@gmail.com
hahahaha the best!
LOL :)
He is such a jackass even Obama knows it!
hahahhahah I almost fell off my seat laughing!
haha hilarious! Brown girls are back!
HA Love it!
This is friggin hilarious!
harsh! but he deserves it.
haha! still laughing, "the best powerpoint," hahahaha!
Ha Poor Kanye. Or poor Taylor I guess but the sad thing is that Kanye is so talented and then he has to go and be so douchebag-y.
comedy at the expense of Kanye - so sad D.
NOT....this is freakin' hilarious!!!
Thanks for sharing wonderful information, it is really nice information.
I like this post. This is really an informative post.