Deepa is a wife, mother, writer and she sometimes masquerades as a lawyer as well. She revels in friendship, humor, champagne, and laughing at herself--often. She never ever reads US Magazine, thinks Rushdie is a genius, wishes she could write one sentence as funny as "Arrested Development," and lives in the Bay Area with her motley crew. She can be reached at deviswithbabies@gmail.com
Come back!
have you officially given up on your readership? :-/
It's been too long! Please come back! I need some news, some musings, some products to covet!
I miss Devis with Babies. Are you going to come back?
What are you doing?
I am worried the blog is over? Does anybody know? I hope not :(:(
Deepa! Send word! What's going on, break it to us easy!!
Okay I keep checking back and no update? I miss the blog!
I know I am going to run a risk of being crazy but I really want to know what we can do to bring you back, you have provided a platform and space for "people like us" that I never knew existed! And in the last three weeks I have *actually* tried to find a similar blog or site or twitter feed and have failed. So please know there are many of us (I have talked with my friends who read too!) who really miss the triweekly (though every day was better!) jold of Devis!
Long long time reader and sorry that my first comment is in this particular circumstance but I would like to add my "where are you?" to the comments. I miss you. And this is going to maybe sound silly but my MIL misses you too, she is what you might call a lurker but also an everyday reader and she asked me where you went as if I actually know you (:) ah the generation gap but I guess I am lucky I have a MIL who knows what a blog is maybe?)
Hi! I have been reading for over a year and have always posted anonymously (I really liked that I was allowed to do that because it allowed me to be part of the discussion without feeling too intruded upon). But I will put my name on this one to say please come back! This blog has made me feel connected to a sort of community over the last year like nothing else I have because I have moved across country with my husband (who I love) and our young child, to a (rural) place where I know nobody and people stare at me. I miss all of the dialogue in the comments! I miss all the studies you read about! I miss wondering how the HELL you have time to read studies when you have three children! COME BACK! Also, why aren't you on Facebook or Twitter??????????
JC, what is this fan club nonsense? I want the blog back too but I am not drooling. I will say that you had a great voice that was very different from the usual Indo bullcrap and it is missed.
Agree. With all of it. Even the last mean one ;>