Weekend Links

Friday, June 12, 2009

If the President has time for date night, none of us has any excuse.

Vegetable-infused ketchup--yay or nay?

Check out these awesome, kid-friendly, kick-ass ottomans--coveting.

FINALLY, somebody adds the unspoken wrinkle to the work/life balance debate: When "opting out" isn't an option.

What are your thoughts on year-round school?

And have you heard about the Patel Club? Invitation (by virtue of your last name) only. But, have no fear, if you are dying to get married and you can't get into this group, you can always marry yourself.

Finally--if you need a pick-me-up, check out all sorts of people, things or events that have failed more than you...! Failblog.org chronicles--well--failures, such as this sign below. Whoops...!

Rupa said...

The fail blog is hilarious, as is that sign! How do people do things like this>!>

Anonymous said...

Grew up in an environment with school all year round, think it is a great idea. Children don't all learn the same way and this gives teachers options in terms of understanding how they learn and modifying their teaching patterns.

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