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Deepa is a wife, mother, writer and she sometimes masquerades as a lawyer as well. She revels in friendship, humor, champagne, and laughing at herself--often. She never ever reads US Magazine, thinks Rushdie is a genius, wishes she could write one sentence as funny as "Arrested Development," and lives in the Bay Area with her motley crew. She can be reached at deviswithbabies@gmail.com
Oh Jesus, did somebody submit this about me?!?
Ohmygod it's my wife.
Ha. So sad. And SO true!
Sometimes we need so much concealer it looks like spackle. It's just a fact. None of us are happy about it, please know. Hilarious.
Why do women refuse to admit life changes after a baby? I know so many women like this! Yes things have changed but for the better!!!!!!!!!
I still do this when I am around friends who don't have children!
Classic. This should be in the pamphlet they make you read before you take your baby home.
I love this. It makes me feel better about myself. I may be sleep-deprived and confused but I would never, never steal my friend's drink! Haha. It has been my experience that every new mom has this period of denial. Some people's denial just lasts longer and some people do a better job of "retaining" their old life than other people.
The more things change the more they CHANGE. Never understood the real saying!
This is funny but is it just me or is it super aggravating when people put up such a front? Not only about kids but about everything, trying to seem like they have this perfect life when they are dying or in debt or whatnot. I can't stand it!!!
Vanity Thy Name Is Mommy As Well. I have never used as much makeup, just to try to look awake, as I have since I had kids.
Gonna show this to the girlfriend as another reason to postpone having children.
Heh. This is the story of my life.
Hilarious - totally my life right now...
This is sooo me! Also, my biggest petpeeve about myself is that I seem to have lost the ability to have non-baby conversation for a whole evening...
Hahahaha, this was me last night. I don't know why I pretend like nothing has changed. But I do!