Deepa is a wife, mother, writer and she sometimes masquerades as a lawyer as well. She revels in friendship, humor, champagne, and laughing at herself--often. She never ever reads US Magazine, thinks Rushdie is a genius, wishes she could write one sentence as funny as "Arrested Development," and lives in the Bay Area with her motley crew. She can be reached at deviswithbabies@gmail.com
Yeaaa! Love it! Who doesn't fantasize...about Jon Stewart?? Go BG.
Well this is not going to generate many comments coz it's garbage!
I have go with Auntie on this one! :P (with some Steve Colbert thrown in please !)
...yes we can!
Well, garbage or not, this made me laugh. Sex and politics, great stuff. Thanks!
hahahahaha!! love it! second poster: every comic has to be "controversial"?? last i checked making someone laugh was not "garbage"!!
perfect! way to start the morning! love the brown girls, and don't mind the haters! btw: nailin palin?!? ha!
Haha. Okay I am not trying to "generate comments" I promise. But I have always found it amusing that, in the realm of sexual fantasy, men want super visual and often kind of gross representations...while women want to be, well, tucked in by Jon Stewart and Barack Obama!! Why is that?!?
Heh. Gotta say was hoping to get some more fuel to re-ignite the flames from last week, but this will do for now...!
booom chicka BOMP BOMP!
This is creepy since my name is Seema, I'm dating a white guy who looks like that guy, and I always have similar arguments. I can't watch any show without him stopping everything standing in front of the tv (like a 2 yr old who sees Barney) and says "Oh my god! HOW can a person be THAT hot?!" Then I punch him and tell him I will run off with Christian Bale or someone. Glad I'm not alone!
Yes We Can Indeed! That lucky Brown Girl!
Goooo brown girls! Great comic!!
Love it. You may get some hate from the Mutineers who are looking to fight (I mean "debate") all the time but this is hilarious! Is there a way to subscribe to the comic?
Hahahahaa, I just sent this to a whole bunch of people and gotta tell you you don't have to be a Brown Girl to find this friggin hilarious!!!
Fantastic. Where were Brown Girls when I grew up in this boring country in Scandinavia, letting other Indian girls tell me I was too "westernized" just because I didn't watch Bollymovies?
Haha. This is awesome. I personally think it's more scandalous than last week's!!!
just wanted to say that i am an avid reader of sepia mutiny. i love that blog. however, i also love your blog and love 'brown girls.' the duality can exist! i'm sure you're getting more of a crossover than you think. you guys are way funny, keep the laughs coming!